

A research project of the partners TU Munich (coordination), fortiss, Valeo, Elektrobit, Intel, and Cognition Factory, as well as the associated partners IBM Watson, brighter AI, 3D Mapping, and Huawei

Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-time Systems, Department of Informatics, Technical University of Munich

Holder of the chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil Alois Knoll

Address: Arcisstraße 21, 80333 Munich
Telephone: +49-(0)89-289-01
Fax: +49-(0)89-289-22000

Authorized representative

The Technical University of Munich is legally represented by its president, Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Hofmann.

Responsible supervisory authority

Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art

VAT identification number

DE811193231 (according to § 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz)

Responsible for the content

Prof. Dr. Thomas F. Hofmann
Arcisstr. 21
80333 Munich

Content concept

Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-time Systems, Department of Informatics, TU Munich, Andreas Schmitz

Technical concept und technical realization 
<code> connection, Philip Essinger, Florian Ketzer

Beisenherz Design, Rika Beisenherz


Rita Forbes