18. Februar 2021 - Redaktion Providentia
Vergleich der Testfelder mit externer Infrastruktur für automatisiertes und autonomes Fahren
Problems in the transportation segment are accidents, increasing bad traffic flow and pollution. The intelligent transportation system using external infrastructure (ITS) can tackle these problems. To the best of our knowledge, there exists no current systematic review of the existing solutions. To fill this knowledge gap, this paper provides an overview about existing ITS which use external infrastructure. Furthermore, this paper discovers the currently not adequately answered research questions. For this reason, we performed a literature review to documents, which describes existing ITS solutions since 2009 until today. We categorized the results according to technology level and analyzed their properties. Thereby, we made the ITS solutions comparable and highlighted the past development as well as the current trends. According to the mentioned method, we analyzed more than 346 papers, which includes 40 test bed projects. In summary, the current ITS can deliver accurate information about individuals in traffic situations in real-time. However, further research in ITS should focus on more reliable perception of the traffic using modern sensors, plug and play mechanism as well as secure real-time distribution in decentralized manner for a high amount of data. By addressing these topics, the development of intelligent transportation systems is in a correction direction for the comprehensive roll-out.

24. Juni 2022
Cognition Factory: Kameradaten auswerten und visualisieren
Seit Beginn der Forschungen in Providentia++ am digitalen Zwilling ist KI-Spezialist Cognition Factory GmbH auf die Verarbeitung von Kameradaten fokussiert. Geschäftsführer Dr. Claus Lenz mit seinem Resümee.

24. Juni 2022
Digitaler Echtzeitzwilling des Verkehrs: Serienreif und rund um die Uhr einsetzbar
Konsortialführer TU München hat das Forschungsprojekt für automatisiertes und autonomes Fahren Providentia++ entscheidend vorangebracht. TUM-Projektleiter Venkatnarayanan Lakshminarashiman zieht Bilanz.

11. Mai 2022
Elektrobit: Test Lab auf stationäre Daten münzen
Elektrobit legt nicht zuletzt durch die Fortschritte in Providentia++ die Basis für Big-Data-Auswertungen von Verkehrsdaten. Simon Tiedemann von Elektrobit über die Entwicklungen im Rahmen von P++.